X LTD passengers should check the weather forecast and bus schedules, as inclement weather is expected to impact the area over the next few days. Los pasajeros de LTD deben consultar el pronóstico del tiempo y los horarios de los autobuses, ya que se espera que las inclemencias del tiempo afecten el área durante las próximos días. Learn More
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LTD Board Member - Subdistrict 5

Pete KnoxPete

LTD Board Secretary

Subdistrict 5 - Central and West Eugene, including the University area and downtown; and the Whitaker, Jefferson, and West Side neighborhoods
Term expires: 12/31/2025
P.O. Box 7070 
Springfield, OR 97475

About LTD Board Member Pete Knox

Peter is a life-long transit rider who has used many different transit systems as an able-bodied person and as a person with mobility disabilities. Governor Kate Brown appointed him to the LTD Board of Directors in 2022. An Information Technology Consultant, Peter has spent many years in active civic leadership as the former Chair of the Downtown Neighborhood Association and of the West University Neighbors in Eugene as well as past Co-Chair of the Neighborhood Leader’s Council. Over the years, his other neighborhood community committee and board of directors involvement have related to policy issues concerning transit and housing. Peter attended the University of Oregon and is a graduate of Lane Community College. His term expires on December 31, 2025. Email Peter at Peter.Knox@LTD.org.

A map to identify the boundary of LTD Board member for District 5

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