Emergency Ride Home FAQs
What is the Emergency Ride Home (ERH) program?
- The Emergency Ride Home Program (ERH) is like free commuter insurance. The ERH program is an opportunity for employers in the Eugene/Springfield metropolitan area (and outlying communities) to provide their employees with up to four (4) free taxi rides home each year when they experience a personal or family emergency on a day when they have commuted to work by bus, bike, walking, carpool, or vanpool.
Why is the ERH program offered?
One of the main reasons many people drive alone to work is the security of having a car available to them in case of an unexpected emergency. By providing a free Emergency Ride Home, we can increase the number of people in our community who will carpool, vanpool, take a bus, ride a bike, or walk to work.
Who offers the ERH program and how is it funded?
The ERH program is offered by Lane Transit District through its Employer programs. Funding for the program is provided by regional jurisdictions, as well as with state and federal funds.
How does the ERH program work?
In order for employees to receive ERH program benefits employers must:
- Fill out an ERH program agreement.
- Designate an Employee Transportation Coordinator (ETC) at their worksite to act as a liaison between Lane Transit District and the employees of the worksite.
- Employees need to create an account at GetThereOregon.org, the state-wide rideshare database.
- Should an employee experience a qualified emergency on a day that they have commuted without their car, they simply access the Emergency Ride Home program in Get There.
If an employee experiences a qualified personal or family emergency on any day that they have commuted to work without a car:
- Log into your account at GetThereOregon.org
- Click on Programs > Rewards > Emergency Ridge Home to redeem the voucher
- Enter the information requested, and prints the voucher
- Contact one of the taxi providers listed
- Give the taxi driver the completed voucher
- That’s it! The taxi company will invoice LTD directly.
What qualified for an emergency ride home?
- Personal or family illness, injury, or other emergency
- Home or property is damaged by fire, burglary, or similar emergency
- Carpool/vanpool driver has an emergency and has to leave early, leaving you stranded
- Unscheduled overtime (with supervisor's signature on the ERH voucher)
What does not qualify for an emergency ride home?
- Ride to work
- Personal errands or scheduled appointments
- Scheduled overtime or business-related travel
- Working late without supervisor's approval
- Missed carpool/bus
- Inclement weather
- Personal vehicle or bicycle failure
Which employers are eligible?
- Any business in the greater Eugene/Springfield metropolitan area and outlying communities of Cottage Grove, McKenzie Bridge, Junction City, Veneta, Elmira, Coburg, and Oakridge.
Which employees are eligible?
To be eligible for ERH benefits, an employee must:
- Work for a participating employer.
- Be registered in the GetThereOregon.org online database.
- Have traveled to work by means other than driving alone on the day when the emergency ride is requested.
How do I register?
Any employer interested in the program can register here or call Lane Transit District at (541) 682-3213. Employees only need to register and have an active account at GetThereOregon.org.
How do I know if my company is enrolled?
Check our list of registered employers.
How many times can ERH be used?
You are eligible for up to four emergency rides home during a calendar year.
- If you use all of your vouchers, you will need to wait until the next calendar year to receive additional vouchers.
- Vouchers are not transferable
- A voucher must be used for every ride.
- Lost vouchers will not be replaced.
- Unused vouchers do not carry over to the next year.
Where can you go?
- All rides must originate at worksites located in the Eugene/Springfield metropolitan area.
The employee may be dropped off at home, a transit stop, or the location of their parked car (e.g. a Park & Ride lot). Emergency-related side trips on the way home like picking up a sick child at school, or filling a prescription at a pharmacy are permitted.
Who are the participating taxi providers?
- Oregon Taxi: 541.434.8294