X LTD passengers should check the weather forecast and bus schedules, as inclement weather is expected to impact the area over the next few days. Los pasajeros de LTD deben consultar el pronóstico del tiempo y los horarios de los autobuses, ya que se espera que las inclemencias del tiempo afecten el área durante las próximos días. Learn More
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Eugene City Council approves MovingAhead recommendations

March 15, 2022

The Eugene City Council approved the Locally Preferred Alternatives for MovingAhead, a partnership between the City of Eugene and Lane Transit District (LTD) to improve transportation options and increase safety along five key corridors.

At the Monday night Work Session, Eugene City Councilors approved the following Preferred Alternatives:

  • Highway 99 – Enhanced Corridor
  • River Road – EmX
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard via downtown – Enhanced Corridor
  • Coburg Road – Enhanced Corridor*
  • 30th Avenue to Lane Community College (LCC) via downtown – No Build
*Requires additional study and community engagement

The LTD Board of Directors on Wednesday, March 16 will vote on the Locally Preferred Alternatives.

The Eugene City Council and LTD Board of Directors held a joint work session on February 28, 2022. Staff shared details about the alternatives and public engagement to date, which has included more than 20 open houses/workshops, emails to more than 1,000 accounts, 60 presentations/community events, 46,000 mailings and canvassed 500 properties along the corridors.

After the Locally Preferred Alternatives are selected, the City of Eugene and LTD will work on refining the designs for the project, which includes more community engagement, so that staff can continue to work towards implementing investments along these important streets.

The City and LTD will develop a plan for funding and timing investments, with the goal of using local dollars to leverage state and federal funding.

For more information about MovingAhead or to review the project materials, please visit www.movingahead.org or call 541-682-3240. Nos gustaría conocer sus opinions. Llámenos a 541-682-6100.

About MovingAhead

MovingAhead began in 2015 as a partnership between the City of
Eugene, Lane Transit District (LTD), regional agencies, and the Eugene-Springfield community.
The purpose of the project is to determine what transportation investments are needed on some
of our most important streets. This list of prioritized investments will become a powerful tool for
implementing local and regional land use, transportation, and community plans.

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