Learn About Vanpooling Benefits at Lane County Formation Meeting
Media Contact: Edward McGlone
Email: Edward.McGlone@LTD.org
Phone: 541-682-6101
Long-distance commuters traveling to work in Eugene are invited to an informational lunch session at the University of Oregon Tuesday, May 31.
“Vanpooling is a great way to get hours back in your day,” says Tracy Ellis, Rideshare program specialist for Lane Transit District’s Point2point program. “Commuters find that vanpooling allows them to relax, read, work, or even sleep instead of fighting traffic on the way to work.”
Vanpools are ideal for groups of 5 – 15 people who commute 40 miles or more roundtrip. Riders pay $90 - $150 a month, depending on the size and distance of the vanpool, which covers the lease of a van, insurance, maintenance and gas. There are currently more than 500 commuters who choose to utilize more than 50 vanpools in Linn, Benton, Lincoln, Marion, Polk, Yamhill, and Lane counties for their commute.
Available subsidies, the benefits of commuting by vanpool, and how to start a vanpool and recruit other commuters, will be reviewed at an informational lunch session on:
Tuesday, May 31
12 – 1 p.m.
University of Oregon Ford Alumni Center, Room 403
1720 E 13th Ave.
Lunch will be provided to all attendees who RSVP by emailing vanpool@ltd.org or calling 541.682.6183.
Vanpools in the Willamette Valley are coordinated through Valley VanPool, a partnership among Cascades West Council of Governments, Cherriots Rideshare of Salem-Keizer Transit, and Lane Transit District’s Point2point program. For more information on vanpooling, visit ValleyVanPool.info.