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LTD Board Member Pete Knox (Subdistrict 5) delivers public testimony to Oregon's Joint Committee on Transportation

LTD, Community Members Comment on State's Transportation Needs

July 18, 2024

Yesterday, state lawmakers heard from community members and agency leaders, including Lane Transit District’s Chief Executive Officer Jameson Auten, about how to best improve Oregon’s transportation system.

The lawmakers, including Representative Nancy Nathanson (D-Eugene), are members of Oregon’s Joint Committee on Transportation (JCT). Yesterday’s meeting in Eugene was one of about a dozen being held around the state as part of the Statewide Transportation Safety and Sustainability Outreach Tour. The goal of the tour, which concludes in late September, is to “help legislators understand the needs of Oregonians and the challenges of maintaining a safe, accessible, and reliable transportation system” in advance of the legislature’s 2025 transportation package.

Committee members started their day on an LTD bus, touring the area’s transportation infrastructure. They examined Beltline Bridge to consider its seismic vulnerability, visited Springfield’s Island Park, and traveled up Highway 126E to check out pavement conditions and fire recovery areas.

Auten was invited by the JCT to participate in a mid-afternoon roundtable with other local leaders and government officials. This group included Laurie Trieger, Lane County Board of Commissioners; Brenda Moore, Executive Director at Lane Council of Governments; and Eugene Mayor Lucy Vinis. “LTD is identifying local priorities and how we can tie into those when we plan our services. We’re landing on access to housing, healthcare, education, and jobs,” said Auten. “People are using mobility systems in different ways now. Ridership is important, but there’s also a value to things like aging in place, reducing food insecurity. Transit has a role to play here.”

Later, public testimony was heard at Lane Events Center. Dozens of community members spoke in support of LTD, including LTD Board Member Pete Knox (Subdistrict 5). In testimony submitted after the event, Board President Gino Grimaldi wrote, “The bright future of our community relies on a strong transportation network with equitable access to employment, education, healthcare, and housing. Continued – and enhanced – investment in mobility solutions and collaboration with service providers can amplify the successful outcomes demonstrated by LTD in current and past Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund cycles.”

Written comment can be submitted until 5:00 p.m. on July 19 to JCT.exhibits@oregonlegislature.gov or by mail: Joint Committee on Transportation, 900 Court Street NE, Room 453, Salem, OR, 97301. The next stop on the JCT road trip is in Coos Bay, on August 7.

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