LTD and Partners Extend Get Vaxed Campaign
August 9, 2021
Lane Transit District (LTD) and its more than 20 community partners will continue their English and Spanish language social media, billboard, and television campaign to encourage people to get a COVID-19 vaccination.
“Given the steady increase in COVID-19 cases locally and nationally, we believe it is important for LTD to continue its Get Vaxed campaign through the end of next month,” said Aurora Jackson, LTD’s General Manager. “By working with our community partners, together we can continue to build awareness about the importance of getting a COVID-19 vaccination, as well as remind people that federal mandates require anyone using public transportation to wear a facemask on the bus and at bus stations.”
In December 2020, LTD and its community partners launched the Follow the Four public awareness campaign in a concerted effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19 by reminding people to wear facemasks over their nose and mouth, regularly wash their hands, practice social distancing, and limit gathering sizes.
When the statewide vaccination rate in Oregon approached 70% in late June of this year, Oregon Governor Kate Brown and federal agencies relaxed the COVID-19 requirements, which became recommendations to be followed. Public transportation, however, still requires passengers to wear facemasks, in accordance with mandates from the Federal Transit Administration.
“We pivoted the Follow the Four campaign to Ready, Set, Ride: Get Vaxed in July,” said Cosette Rees, LTD’s Director of Customer and Specialized Services. “But as the COVID variant has become prevalent, it makes good sense to continue encouraging community members who are not vaccinated to consider getting vaccinated.”
LTD’s community partners in this health-first initiative are: Bushnell University, Cascade Health, Cottage Grove Chamber of Commerce, City of Eugene, Eugene Cascades & Coast, Eugene Pediatrics Associates, Eugene Weekly, Florence Area Chamber of Commerce, KEZI-TV, KMTR-TV, KVAL-TV, Lane Community College, Lane Council of Governments, Lane Workforce Partnership, Oregon Pacific Bank, OutFront, Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce, City of Springfield, Springfield Public Schools, Turell Group, Vox Public Relations Public Affairs, and Willamalane Park and Recreation District.
To find vaccination locations in Oregon, text your ZIP code to 438829 or call 1-800-232-0233.
Vaccinated passengers are eligible for the August Vax Pass and can ride for free through August 31 by following the instructions here.
For more information on how LTD is keeping the community safe from COVID-19 on its buses, click here.