LTD to Implement Summer Service Changes Effective Sunday, June 14, 2015
May 29, 2015
For Immediate Release
Russ Arnold 541-682-6100
(Cell) (614) 406-9379
Andy Vobora 541-682-6100
(Cell) 541-501-9398
Lane Transit District’s summer bus service changes will go into effect on Sunday, June 14. These changes include adjustments to service levels during the summer when the 4J School District, the University of Oregon (UO), and Lane Community College enter their summer session. In addition, event service is available to the Butte to Butte and the Oregon Country Fair.
The following routes will experience service changes:
- EmX – Weekday
- 1 Campbell Center– Weekday/Saturday/Sunday
- 24 Donald – Weekday/Saturday/Sunday
- 27 Fairmount – Weekday
- 28 Hilyard – Weekday/Saturday/Sunday
- 76 UO/Warren – Weekday
- 92 Lowell/LCC – Weekday
- 98 Cottage Grove – Weekday
Please check LTD.org for specific adjustments.
For more information on service, visit LTD’s website at ltd.org, stop by LTD Customer Service at the Eugene Station, or call 541-687-5555 (7-1-1 TTY).