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LTD's Board of Directors Adopts New Engagement Framework

August 29, 2024

Lane Transit District’s (LTD) Board of Directors voted unanimously to adopt the District’s Community Outreach Framework during its August 21 meeting.

The Framework is a foundational guide for how LTD will engage with the community on everything from major projects to everyday policies and programs. The work that led to its creation was called the Community Outreach and Communications Assessment (COCA). Elements of this work included extensive best practices research, an assessment of LTD’s current practices, and public surveys. A first-of-its-kind Community Steering Council (CSC) was created and this diverse group of community members met several times over the course of several months.

“We know LTD serves a community with varying needs and we need strong relationships in order to do our work,” said Dave Roth, LTD’s Director of Mobility Planning and Policy. “The Framework is intended to build community trust and confidence in LTD’s efforts to serve the community, making it a more effective organization for the region.”

The Framework is available on LTD.org, and will be translated in Spanish. Community members can stay up-to-date on COCA developments here.

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