X LTD passengers should check the weather forecast and bus schedules, as inclement weather is expected to impact the area over the next few days. Los pasajeros de LTD deben consultar el pronóstico del tiempo y los horarios de los autobuses, ya que se espera que las inclemencias del tiempo afecten el área durante las próximos días. Learn More
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LTD Board Votes to Release Report

September 15, 2021
Lane Transit District’s (LTD) Board of Directors voted unanimously during the regular board meeting to release the results of an internal investigation to the public.

Because the report is a legally protected document, it was given to the board of directors for review in an executive session in late August.  Directors determined the best course of action was to vote to determine whether to make the document public.

“The current board members agreed that to live LTD’s values we must maintain transparency with the public and taxpayers by making the report public,” Caitlin Vargas, the President of LTD’s Board of Directors said. “The information presented is a learning opportunity for each of us. We hope others in the community can benefit from our experience.”

The report is here.

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