X LTD passengers should check the weather forecast and bus schedules, as inclement weather is expected to impact the area over the next few days. Los pasajeros de LTD deben consultar el pronĂłstico del tiempo y los horarios de los autobuses, ya que se espera que las inclemencias del tiempo afecten el ĂĄrea durante las prĂłximos dĂ­as. Learn More
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The Vaxed Liked Vax Pass

September 7, 2021
More than 1,600 community members took advantage of Lane Transit District’s (LTD) August Vax Pass, a free one-month bus pass that the District made available to passengers who are vaccinated against COVID-19.

Of those who registered for the Vax Pass, 81.5%, or 1,343 out of 1,647 registrants, used the pass an average of 23 times during August, totaling nearly 31,000 rides.

“The August Vax Pass was one way LTD could thank community members for getting vaccinated and hopefully incentivize unvaccinated people to get vaccinated,” said Cosette Rees, LTD’s Director of Customer and Specialized Services. “We are pleased that so many people took advantage of the opportunity to capitalize on their vaccination to travel aboard an LTD bus for free to where they needed to go.”

The Vax Pass was only valid in August 2021 and was funded with Federal COVID recovery dollars.

Community members who are interested in receiving a COVID-19 vaccination can text their ZIP code to 438829 or call 1-800-232-0233. A list of pharmacies participating in the Federal Retail Pharmacy Program is here.

As a reminder, Federal regulations require all passengers and members of the public to continue wearing a face mask over the nose and mouth when on LTD property and its buses.

The August Vax Pass is part of LTD’s Health-First initiative launched at the beginning of the pandemic to encourage everyone to ‘Follow the Four: Wear a Mask, Wash Hands, Social Distance, and Limit Gathering Sizes.’ More information about the Welcome Vax Health First Campaign is here.

LTD bus schedules are here.

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