
91 - McKenzie Br

Routes 12, 13, 40, 66, 91, 95, & 96 - Saturday Market DetourDue to the Saturday Market, Routes 12, 13, and 96 to Eugene Station will not serve the stop at 8th & Oak. Routes 12, 40, 66, 95, and 96 from Eugene Station will not serve the stop on Oak & 7th. Route 12 from Eugene Station will not serve the stop on Oak & Broadway.This service detour begins April 5 and continues until mid-November. Please proceed to the next closest stops on 8th, Oak, or Eugene Station.
Real-Time Information Temporarily Unavailable

Real-time information is temporarily unavailable on the LTD system map and on trip planning apps. LTD is aware of the issue and is working to restore its functionality.

Eugene Station Bay [G]Thurston Station Bay [B]Hwy 126 at Thurston RdWaltervilleLeaburgVidaNimrodFinn RockBlue RiverMcKenzie BridgeMcKenzie River Ranger Station
5:20 AM5:36 AM5:40 AM5:45 AM5:54 AM6:03 AM6:12 AM6:16 AM6:22 AM6:35 AM6:41 AM
8:20 AM8:36 AM8:40 AM8:45 AM8:54 AM9:03 AM9:12 AM9:16 AM9:22 AM9:35 AM9:41 AM
2:20 PM2:36 PM2:40 PM2:45 PM2:55 PM3:04 PM3:14 PM3:18 PM3:25 PM*>3:40 PM3:46 PM
5:35 PM5:51 PM5:55 PM6:00 PM6:09 PM6:18 PM6:28 PM6:32 PM6:39 PM*>6:54 PM7:00 PM
* Serves McKenzie River Drive between Blue River and McKenzie Bridge. See limited-trip routing on map.
> Does not serve McKenzie River Drive December 1st to March 1st.

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