Projects & Planning
Lane Transit District’s vision is to create a more connected, sustainable, and equitable community. Guided by the Long Range Mobility Plan and the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), LTD’s projects and plans connect Lane County through a suite of coordinated mobility services. Engagement with our community is foundational to any LTD planning effort or project – our commitment to engagement is defined by the LTD Community Outreach Framework.
Community Engagement
The Community Outreach Framework is a foundational guide for how LTD conducts community engagement around its projects, policies, and programs. The intent of the guide is to help improve interactions with communities in the region in pursuit of better transportation outcomes.
Ongoing formal opportunities for public comment are available at every LTD Board meeting (third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m.). The LTD Board accepts public testimony in person and through our general email
Service Planning
LTD typically adjusts fixed-route bus services three times per year; Fall (September – February), Winter (February – June), and Summer (June – September). Service adjustments are driven by a number of factors including LTD’s ongoing engagement with the community it serves. LTD’s Rider’s Guide is published three times a year coinciding with service changes.
Plans, Projects & Studies
Based on a foundation of community engagement and comprehensive planning, LTD studies community needs and evaluates opportunities to improve its infrastructure.
Strategic Business Plan
The Strategic Business Plan bridges LTD’s mission, vision, and values to our day-to-day operations. This agency-wide collaborative effort helps us focus on the most important outcomes to deliver and guide our agency over a three year period.
Long-Range Financial Plan
The Long-Range Financial Plan (LRFP) is one of three key documents, developed with community input, that provides the information LTD needs to develop a proposed budget and the timing of community investment projects. The LRFP projects the anticipated resources and expenditures over a ten-year period and, at its core, aligns financial capacity with the objectives outlined in LTD’s Strategic Business Plan.
Community Investment Plan
The Community Investment Plan is a ten-year framework document that provides direction on LTD community investments. The plan helps facilitate the efficient use of LTD’s financial resources and implement regional priorities that anticipate the need for public transportation in the future.
Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF)
- The Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF) was established by Oregon House Bill 2017 and provides for a dedicated source of funding for maintaining, improving, and expanding public transportation service in Oregon that benefits a high percentage of low-income households. Lane Transit District (LTD) is the entity authorized to distribute STIF Formula Funds allocated to Lane County, also known as the “Qualified Entity.” For more information about STIF, please visit
Capital Investments
These projects maintain existing capital assets and build new infrastructure to assist us in providing efficient and safe service. LTD is committed to maintaining current infrastructure while purposefully investing in new projects, responding to the changing mobility needs of its riders and community.
- Passenger Access and Boarding Improvements
- Eugene Station Modernization
- Fixed Route Improvements
- Operations Command Center (OCC)
- Fleet Maintenance and Fleet Procurement Plan
- Franklin Boulevard Corridor EmX Improvements
- Passenger Experience Improvements to Fare Collection and Trip Planning
Featured Projects
Passenger Access and Boarding Improvements
The project will enhance the LTD customer experience by improving pathways, shelters, furniture, and/or signage at passenger boarding areas. These upgrades are designed to increase accessibility, comfort, and safety for transit riders.
Eugene Station Modernization
With an eye toward safety, security, and inclusivity, LTD completed a 10-month remodel and modernization project at Eugene Station in the Fall of 2024. Updates include improved wayfinding signage, inclusive restrooms, additional lighting, and an updated and more accessible Customer Service Center.
Operations Command Center (OCC)
The Operations Command Center/Training/Lounge project will expand LTD's administrative building to include modern operations dispatch, operator report area, training simulator/classrooms, restrooms/showers, and operator rest areas.
Franklin Boulevard Corridor EmX Improvements
The project is a match commitment to the City of Eugene's successful federal RAISE grant for reconstruction of Franklin Boulevard. LTD's match is to facilitate reconstruction of the stretch of EmX line within the project area, between Walnut and Dads' Gates stations.
This project is a joint effort of the City of Eugene, City of Springfield, LTD and our community. Throughout the planning process, stakeholders and members of the public have played a vital role in this project, which aims to improve safety, improve mobility, and support surrounding land uses along Franklin Boulevard.
As a key project stakeholder and partner in securing funds and planning for the transformation of the Franklin Boulevard corridor, LTD is committed to a design outcome that is safe for all road users and one that ensures our ability to provide riders with frequent and efficient transit service now and into the future. Given that this corridor sees nearly 40 percent of all boardings across the entire fixed-route network, the design must thoughtfully incorporate the needs of transit.
Planning Projects & Studies
LTD conducts planning projects and studies to improve mobility for members of and visitors to Lane County.
- Long-Range Mobility Plan - LTD Connect 2045
- System Review
- Mobility Management Strategy
- MovingAhead
- Lane Coordinated Public Transit – Human Services Transportation Plan (2013)
- Lane Transit Coordinated Plan (2019)
- Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF) Formula Plan
- Title VI Program
- Main McVay Transit Study
- Downtown Eugene Circulation Study
- Frequent Transit Network Improvements
- LTD Fixed-Route Service Policy (2022)
Featured Projects
Long-Range Mobility Plan - LTD Connect 2045
LTD is initiating a significant update to its Long Range Mobility Plan. This plan will establish a vision for the future of mobility in Lane County and will guide investments and development over the next twenty years. This extensive planning effort represents a significant milestone in LTD’s commitment to providing sustainable, equitable, and accessible mobility solutions that meet the evolving needs of the community.
LTD’s newly adopted Community Engagement Framework will be central to the development of LTD Connect 2045, which will guide extensive public outreach efforts. LTD will be conducting numerous workshops, surveys, and stakeholder meetings to ensure that the plan reflects the diverse needs and aspirations of the community. Opportunities to participate in the planning process will be advertised widely as they become available.
The Long Range Mobility Plan will replace the current Long-Range Transit Plan (2014).
Mobility Management Strategy
LTD developed a Mobility Management Strategy (MMS) to learn how to best collaborate with public and private partners to provide a robust transportation network and deliver new mobility options that can increase access to housing, jobs, services, and other opportunities in the region. The Strategy will help LTD improve its internal processes, identify the opportunities that achieve LTD’s vision of a more connected, sustainable, and equitable community, and better serve the public.
LTD System Review
The LTD System Review has developed a plan for improving fixed route service in Eugene and Springfield as well as rural route service to other communities in Lane County.
The study has included robust community engagement, including an on-board survey, virtual public meetings, and stakeholder discussions. Information gathered from these activities has been used to develop the service recommendations.
Download the final System Review Report, adopted by the LTD Board of Directors at the October 16, 2024 meeting.
Frequent Transit Network Improvements
The suite of projects that fall within this category will be reassessed/built upon each year as part of the CIP process. The strategic planning studies include: Main McVay Transit Study, MovingAhead, Strategic Business Plan, Lane Council of Governments (LCOG) Planning Assistance, Comprehensive Operations Analysis, Mobility Management Strategy, Corridor Planning, Long Range Transit Plan Update, and the Downtown Transit Circulation Plan.