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Public Meetings

Lane Transit District is governed by a seven-member Board of Directors. These Directors conduct a variety of public meetings that include regular and special Board of Directors’ meetings, Board Subcommittees, Board Citizen Advisory Committees, and Project Governance Committees.

Pursuant to Oregon public meeting law, all meetings are open for public attendance, some are open for public seating on the committee, and several are open for public comment. Listed below are the current Board and Committee meetings.

Board Meetings
Board Subcommittees
Community Advisory Committees (Public Seats Accepted)
Project Governance Committees
Board Attended Community Committee Meetings

The Board of Directors also will hold periodic public hearings throughout the year, including during Budget season and the Districts’ Annual Route Review to allow the public to give testimony on these and other subjects.

To learn when the next public meeting is being held, visit the LTD Events Calendar and select the “Public Meetings” category.

Lane Transit District offers multiple ways to attend, watch and participate in LTD's public meetings:

  1. In-Person: LTD Administrative Office, 3500 E. 17th Avenue, Eugene
  2. Zoom: Watch and/or participate in the meeting by joining the meeting as an attendee. To join a Zoom meeting, follow the link posted to the web calendar on the day of each meeting at LTD.org.
  3. Broadcast: Watch the meeting on local channel 21 or view the live stream of the meeting here. These broadcast methods will NOT allow viewers to participate in the meeting.
  4. Public testimony may also be provided in writing to clerk@ltd.org.

Past meeting recordings and materials are available in two ways:
Online Self-Serve Records Search - Historical meeting materials and audio recordings
LCOG/MetroTV live stream page - Three-year historical meeting materials with video linked to meeting agenda 

Please refer to this document for the most comprehensive information on how to use Zoom for Lane Transit District's virtual online public meetings.


Events Calendar
Online Self-Serve Records Search
Public Records Request

Public Meeting Grievance Process

(OAR) 199-050-0070 requires a public body to publish on its website the contact information of how an individual may submit a grievance alleging a violation by a governing body of provisions in the Public Meetings Law. The full text of this rule can be viewed by visiting the Oregon Secretary of State’s website.

Written grievances may be submitted by email to Clerk@LTD.org, by mail, or in person during regular business hours to:

Lane Transit District
ATTN: Board Administrator
3500 E 17th Avenue
Eugene, Oregon 97478

Regular business hours for LTD are Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Proceso de reclamación en reuniones públicas

(OAR) 199-050-0070 exige que un organismo del sector público haga pública la información de contacto en su sitio web sobre cómo una persona puede presentar una queja alegando una violación por parte de un organismo rector de las disposiciones de la Ley de Reuniones Públicas. El texto completo de esta norma puede consultarse en el sitio web del Secretario de Estado de Oregón.

Las quejas por escrito pueden enviarse por correo electrónico a Clerk@LTD.org, por correo postal o en persona durante el horario de trabajo a:

Lane Transit District
ATTN: Board Administrator
3500 E 17th Avenue
Eugene, Oregon 97478

El horario de atención de LTD es de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 de la mañana a 5:00 de la tarde.

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