Reasonable Modifications
Public transit is for everyone. Learn what a reasonable modification is, how LTD determines if a reasonable modification is necessary, and how to request a reasonable modification.
What is a reasonable modification?
A reasonable modification is a change or exception to a policy, practice, or procedure. It allows people with disabilities to have equitable access to programs, services, and activities. LTD’s Reasonable Modification Policy makes sure that people with disabilities have equitable and effective access to public transportation services.
How does LTD determine if a request is necessary?
Upon request, LTD will make reasonable modifications when necessary to ensure access to transit services for people with disabilities, unless:
- Making the modification would fundamentally alter the nature of the public transportation service;
- Making the modification would create a direct threat to the health or safety of others including passengers;
- The individual with a disability is able to fully use the Lane Transit District’s service without the modification; or
- Making the modification would create an undue financial or administrative burden.
How do I make a reasonable modification request?
Individuals requesting a reasonable accommodation must describe what they need in order to access LTD services.
For more details of the procedures and a Reasonable Modification Request form, click the links below, visit LTD's Customer Service Center, or call LTD at 541-687-5555, and press 2 (7-1-1 TTY for hearing assistance).
Reasonable Modification Request and Appeal Form (pdf)
Reasonable Modification Policy (pdf)
Contact Information
If you have any questions about a decision, feel that a decision was rendered in error, or wish to file a complaint or appeal, please do so by contacting:
Accessible Services Manager
Lane Transit District
P.O. Box 7070
Springfield, OR 97475