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Rhody Express

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Welcome to the Rhody Express, your public transportation provider in Florence

Rhody Express_Website Map


  • $1 or 1 ticket per one-way trip.
  • $2 or 2 tickets for all day
  • Ticket books (20 tickets for $20) are available at River Cities Taxi/Rhody Express 1699 Pine St.

Riding From South to North

The Rhody Express operates a 60-minute route by first traveling the South Loop and then the North Loop. If your destination is not on the loop on which you are boarding, remain on the bus as it switches to the next loop, and you will reach your destination.

Service Hours

Monday through Friday
10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Holiday Service Hours

Rhody Express does not operate on New Year's Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Day.


Riders may request to board or get off the bus at any location along the route. The bus operator will stop the bus at the nearest safe location.

Accessible Service

The bus is wheelchair accessible and has space for 2 bicycles.


Download the Rhody Express brochure (pdf)

Contact Us

Rhody Express
1699 Pine Street
P.O. Box 614
Florence, OR 97439
541- 902-2067 (voice)
7-1-1 (TTY - Oregon Relay)

Choose Your Travel Direction

Map & Schedule
Grocery OutletDollar TreeSiuslaw Public LibraryPeace Harbor HospitalOld Town ParkSafewayThree Rivers CasinoFlorence Food Share
10:00 AM10:05 AM10:10 AM10:17 AM10:23 AM10:28 AM10:33 AM10:38 AM
10:30 AM10:35 AM10:40 AM10:47 AM10:53 AM10:58 AM11:03 AM11:08 AM
11:00 AM11:05 AM11:10 AM11:17 AM11:23 AM11:28 AM11:33 AM11:38 AM
11:30 AM11:35 AM11:40 AM11:47 AM11:53 AM11:58 AM12:03 PM12:08 PM
12:00 PM12:05 PM12:10 PM12:17 PM12:23 PM12:28 PM12:33 PM12:38 PM
12:30 PM12:35 PM12:40 PM12:47 PM12:53 PM12:58 PM1:03 PM1:08 PM
1:00 PM1:05 PM1:10 PM1:17 PM1:23 PM1:28 PM1:33 PM1:38 PM
1:30 PM1:35 PM1:40 PM1:47 PM1:53 PM1:58 PM2:03 PM2:08 PM
2:00 PM2:05 PM2:10 PM2:17 PM2:23 PM2:28 PM2:33 PM2:38 PM
2:30 PM2:35 PM2:40 PM2:47 PM2:53 PM2:58 PM3:03 PM3:08 PM
3:00 PM3:05 PM3:10 PM3:17 PM3:23 PM3:28 PM3:33 PM3:38 PM
3:30 PM3:35 PM3:40 PM3:47 PM3:53 PM3:58 PM4:03 PM4:08 PM
4:00 PM4:05 PM4:10 PM4:17 PM4:23 PM4:28 PM4:33 PM4:38 PM
4:30 PM4:35 PM4:40 PM4:47 PM4:53 PM4:58 PM5:03 PM5:08 PM
5:00 PM5:05 PM5:10 PM5:17 PM5:23 PM5:28 PM5:33 PM5:38 PM
Hidden Stops:

Bus service on this route is not available on this day.

Bus service on this route is not available on this day.
Florence Food ShareBi-MartFred MeyerGrocery Outlet
10:38 AM10:45 AM10:47 AM10:58 AM
11:08 AM11:15 AM11:17 AM11:28 AM
11:38 AM11:45 AM11:47 AM11:58 AM
12:08 PM12:15 PM12:17 PM12:28 PM
12:38 PM12:45 PM12:47 PM12:58 PM
1:08 PM1:15 PM1:17 PM1:28 PM
1:38 PM1:45 PM1:47 PM1:58 PM
2:08 PM2:15 PM2:17 PM2:28 PM
2:38 PM2:45 PM2:47 PM2:58 PM
3:08 PM3:15 PM3:17 PM3:28 PM
3:38 PM3:45 PM3:47 PM3:58 PM
4:08 PM4:15 PM4:17 PM4:28 PM
4:38 PM4:45 PM4:47 PM4:58 PM
5:08 PM5:15 PM5:17 PM5:28 PM
5:38 PM5:45 PM5:47 PM5:58 PM
Hidden Stops:

Bus service on this route is not available on this day.

Bus service on this route is not available on this day.

Printable Schedule

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