Maps, Stations & Routing
Schedules and Maps
For all route schedules and maps use the Find Your Routes pull-down menu that is located in the right-hand column of every page. Or, click one of the following links:
Current Schedules - September 8, 2024 to February 1, 2025
- Rider's Guide Schedules
Route 1 - Campbell Center
Route 11 - Thurston
Route 12 - Gateway
Route 13 - Centennial
Route 17 - 5th Street/Hayden Bridge
Route 18 - Mohawk
Route 24 - Donald
Route 27 - Fairmount - Not In Service
Route 28 - Hilyard
Route 33 - Jefferson
Route 36 - W 18th Avenue
Route 40 - Echo Hollow
Route 41 - Barger/Commerce
Route 51 - Santa Clara
Route 52 - Irving
Route 55 - North Park
Route 66 - VRC/Coburg
Route 67 - Coburg/VRC
Route 73 - UO/Willamette - Not In Service
Route 78 - UO/Seneca/Warren - Not In Service
Route 79x - UO/Kinsrow
Route 81 - LCC/Hilyard
Route 82 - LCC/Pearl
Route 85 - LCC/Springfield
Route 91 - McKenzie Bridge
Route 92 - Lowell/LCC
Route 93 - Veneta
Route 95 - Junction City
Route 96 - Coburg
Route 98 - Cottage Grove
Winter Schedules - February 2, 2025 to June 14, 2025
- Rider's Guide Schedules
Route 1 - Campbell Center
Route 11 - Thurston
Route 12 - Gateway
Route 13 - Centennial
Route 17 - 5th Street/Hayden Bridge
Route 18 - Mohawk
Route 24 - Donald
Route 28 - Hilyard
Route 33 - Jefferson
Route 36 - W 18th Avenue
Route 40 - Echo Hollow
Route 41 - Barger/Commerce
Route 51 - Santa Clara
Route 52 - Irving
Route 55 - North Park
Route 66 - VRC/Coburg
Route 67 - Coburg/VRC
Route 79x - UO/Kinsrow
Route 81 - LCC/Hilyard
Route 82 - LCC/Pearl
Route 85 - LCC/Springfield
Route 91 - McKenzie Bridge
Route 92 - Lowell/LCC
Route 93 - Veneta
Route 95 - Junction City
Route 96 - Coburg
Route 98 - Cottage Grove
System Maps
LTD Interactive real-time system map. Click here
Other Maps
Use the links below to see specific map information about LTD's stations and routing to and from the Eugene and Springfield Stations.
Station Routing Maps