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Snow & Ice Detours
During extreme weather conditions, any route or portion of a route may be rerouted, delayed, or canceled depending on road conditions. Safety is LTD’s primary concern. Changes in service are made to keep you and our bus operators safe during adverse driving conditions.For the most up-to-date information:
- For detour alerts outside of business hours, please visit Route maps and information can still be found on LTD’s website.
- Monitor this page or a specific route page to learn how the inclement conditions may impact service.
- General Snow & Ice Information can be found on our website and in the comprehensive Snow & Ice Digest.
- Follow us on social media for up-to-the-minute information.
- Subscribe to text message notifications.
- Check local radio and television stations for updates.
Current Detours
Below is a list of the detours affected by the current weather conditions. If your route is not listed here, no detour is in place at this time. As detours are lifted, they will be removed from this list.
Route 40 - Construction DetourDue to construction, Route 40 from Eugene Station will not serve the stops at Chambers & 2nd Ave. or Roosevelt W of Chambers, and Route 40 to Eugene Station will not serve the stops at Roosevelt W of Chambers from March 10 at 7:00 AM until December 2025. To access the Mission from Eugene Station, please proceed to the alternate stop on 2nd Ave. & Chambers.
Route 98 – Construction Detour in CreswellDue to sewer repair work on 2nd Street by the City of Creswell, Route 98 to Eugene Station will not serve the stop at F Street and 2nd Street beginning February 25 until project completion. Please proceed to the next closest stop at C Street and 1st Street.
Route 98 – Construction DetourDue to the City of Cottage Grove’s Main Street revitalization project, Route 98 will not serve the stop at Main & 5th St. beginning February 17 at 7:00 AM until approximately December 2025. Please proceed to the alternate stop at Main St. east of S 10th Street.
Real-Time Information Temporarily Unavailable
Real-time information is temporarily unavailable on the LTD system map and on trip planning apps. LTD is aware of the issue and is working to restore its functionality.