Diamond Express
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The Diamond Express intercity transportation service operates between Oakridge and the Eugene/Springfield area.
One-Way: $2.50 cash or 1 pre-purchased ticket
Valid only on Diamond Express
Day Pass: $5.00 cash or 2 pre-purchased tickets
Includes round-trip Diamond Express and LTD Day Pass, good only on date of purchase
Ticket books, with 10 one-way tickets for $25.00, are available for purchase at LTD Customer Service Center, LTD Center Building at the Eugene Station, 11th Avenue and Willamette Street. Hours are Mon-Fri from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Only cash, VISA or MasterCard are accepted. Sorry, no personal checks.
Riding the Bus
The Diamond Express intercity transportation service operates between Oakridge and the Eugene/Springfield area.
The Diamond Express was designed with the help of Oakridge and Westfir residents to include these features:
- Intercity connection to the Eugene-Springfield area
- Integrated purchase of Diamond Express round trip fare with LTD Day Pass
Every two years, Lane Transit District (LTD) in cooperation with the City of Oakridge, applies for grant funding to operate the Diamond Express. Grants are awarded specifically to provide individuals who live in rural areas access to medical and other services, shopping, school, jobs, and connections to more distant locations.
Bus Stops
Arrive a few minutes early and have your fare ready. Please bring exact change or pre-purchased Diamond Express ticket(s). The bus driver does not carry cash and cannot make change.
Flag Stops
Within Oakridge: Riders may request to board or get off the bus at any location along the route, except on Highway 58. The driver will stop the bus at the nearest safe location.
Trips to Eugene Station: The bus will only serve designated stops where riders ask to get off the bus after leaving Oakridge.
Trips to Oakridge: after leaving Eugene, the bus will only serve stops where riders ask to get off the bus.
Service Hours
Monday through Friday from 6:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Saturday from 7:00 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Office Hours
Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Holiday Service Hours
Diamond Express does not operate on New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, or Christmas Day.
Accessible Services
The bus is equipped with a wheelchair lift and has capacity for securing two mobility devices. Mobility devices must be properly secured and passengers are encouraged to use the available lap and shoulder belts for added safety. Whenever possible, passengers using wheeled mobility devices should transfer to a regular seat while travelling.
The Diamond Express bus is equipped with an outside rack to carry three bicycles. Additional bicycles are allowed inside the bus only at the driver's discretion.
For LTD's bicycle loading instructions click here.
Download the Diamond Express brochure (pdf)
Contact Us
Pacific Crest Bus Lines
PO Box 7881
Bend, OR 97708
7-1-1 TTY
Frequently Asked Questions
Click here to see answers to Frequently Asked Questions.
Choose Your Travel Direction
Amtrak Station | Downtown Eugene | Westridge Middle School (Westfir) | Crestview & Hwy 58/Ray's Food Place |
7:40 AM | 7:45 AM | 8:35 AM+ | 8:55 AM |
10:40 AM | 10:45 AM | 11:35 AM+ | 11:55 AM |
2:40 PM | 2:45 PM | 3:35 PM+ | 3:55 PM |
5:30 PM | 5:40 PM | 6:30 PM# | 7:00 PM |
Amtrak Station | Downtown Eugene | Westridge Middle School (Westfir) | Crestview & Hwy 58/Ray's Food Place |
8:40 AM | 8:45 AM | 9:35 AM+ | 9:55 AM |
5:30 PM | 5:40 PM | 6:30 PM# | 7:00 PM |
Oakridge | Crestview & Hwy 58/Ray's Food Place | Westridge Middle School (Westfir) | Eugene Station | Amtrak Station |
6:01 AM | 6:05 AM | 6:30 AM* | 7:20 AM | 7:30 AM |
9:11 AM | 9:15 AM | 9:30 AM | 10:20 AM | 10:30 AM |
1:11 PM | 1:15 PM | 1:30 PM | 2:20 PM | 2:30 PM |
4:01 PM | 4:05 PM | 4:20 PM | 5:10 PM | 5:20 PM |
Oakridge | Crestview & Hwy 58/Ray's Food Place | Westridge Middle School (Westfir) | Eugene Station | Amtrak Station |
7:01 AM | 7:05 AM | 7:30 AM* | 8:25 AM | 8:30 AM |
4:01 PM | 4:05 PM | 4:20 PM | 5:15 PM | 5:20 PM |
Printable Schedule