
Diamond Express

Real-Time Information Temporarily Unavailable

Real-time information is temporarily unavailable on the LTD system map and on trip planning apps. LTD is aware of the issue and is working to restore its functionality.

Amtrak StationDowntown EugeneWestridge Middle School (Westfir)Crestview & Hwy 58/Ray's Food Place
7:40 AM7:45 AM8:35 AM+8:55 AM
10:40 AM10:45 AM11:35 AM+11:55 AM
2:40 PM2:45 PM3:35 PM+3:55 PM
5:30 PM5:40 PM6:30 PM#7:00 PM
+ Serves Westridge Middle School only when requested by riders.
# Limited Trip Serves Westridge Middle School before serving the Westfir Office Bridge.

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