X LTD passengers should check the weather forecast and bus schedules, as inclement weather is expected to impact the area over the next few days. Los pasajeros de LTD deben consultar el pronóstico del tiempo y los horarios de los autobuses, ya que se espera que las inclemencias del tiempo afecten el área durante las próximos días. Learn More
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Reimagine Your

Transit System

Working together, Lane Transit District (LTD) and the community are reimagining a transportation system that is more connected, sustainable, innovative, and equitable—and one that is built on trust, respect, and integrity through thoughtful collaboration. This requires a community outreach strategy that meets the needs of the communities LTD serves.

History 2020-Present

Community Engagement Framework

The Community Engagement Framework is a foundational guide for how LTD will engage with the community on everything from big projects to everyday policies and programs. It was drafted with care and collaboration, through public surveys, interviews, discussions with community leaders, and the hard work of the Community Steering Council. At the August 2024 board meeting, the LTD Board of Directors adopted the framework.

Download the board-adopted Community Engagement Framework


Community Outreach and Communications Assessment (COCA)

LTD is conducting a Community Outreach and Communications Assessment (COCA) to determine what the District can do to better engage and collaborate with the community. At the end of the assessment, a Community Outreach Framework will be developed. The framework will serve as a foundational guide for how LTD works alongside the public on projects and other LTD initiatives.


Spring 2023 Stakeholder Interviews; Fall/Winter 2023 Community Steering Council & Public Survey Begin; Early Spring 2024 Roundtable with Community-Based Organizations; Early Spring 2024 Final Framework Presented to LTD Board

Spring of 2023: LTD kicked off the COCA by conducting background interviews to learn where there was room for improvement in past engagement, and researched best practices on the latest approaches in community engagement.

Fall of 2023: LTD convened its first Community Steering Council (CSC). The CSC is an ad hoc committee of community members charged with providing input, advice, and recommendations to LTD leadership and staff on the development and implementation of the Community Outreach Framework. In addition, a Communication and Engagement Survey was launched to garner even more public feedback. Information on both of these efforts is further detailed below.

Spring of 2024:  In pursuit of greater diversity of input, LTD hosted a roundtable discussion with representatives from community-based organizations that work primarily with vulnerable communities in the Eugene-Springfield area. This was a critical input to our Community Engagement Framework.

Summer of 2024: At the August 2024 board meeting, the LTD Board of Directors adopted the Community Engagement Framework. The Framework is a foundational guide for how LTD will engage with the community on everything from big projects to everyday policies and programs.

Communications & Engagement Survey

In September 2023, LTD asked the public for their input and preferences around communications and engagement. The survey was available through a variety of print and digital methods, and we received over 950 completed surveys. We shared the results of this survey with the CSC and relied on it to inform pieces of the Framework. Results from the survey are available in the Community Steering Council November 8 Meeting Packet.

Community Steering Council

As a core part of this assessment, LTD established the first-of-its-kind Community Steering Council (CSC) charged with providing input, advice, and recommendations to LTD on the development of a new Community Outreach Framework.

CSC Meeting_13Sept2023

LTD invited members of the public to apply to be on the CSC and convened the group of over 20 individuals for six meetings from September to December 2023. The CSC was made up of individuals from a variety of backgrounds: small business owners and employers, students, transit riders and non-riders, Eugene and Springfield area residents, and more.

Community Steering Council Group Photo

The CSC played an essential role in shaping the Community Outreach Framework and how LTD will engage the community in the future. See below for more details on the topics discussed and feedback provided in each CSC meeting.


Six LTD CSC meetings were held on September 13, September 27, October 25, November 8, November 29, and December 12. Meeting materials are linked below.

September 13:

September 27:
Meeting Packet
Meeting Recording
Meeting Summary

October 25:
Meeting Packet
Meeting Summary
Meeting Recording

November 8:
Meeting Packet
Meeting Summary
Meeting Recording

November 29:
Meeting Packet
Meeting Summary
Meeting Recording

December 12:
Meeting Recording

May 21:

Meeting Recording

Sign Up for Notifications

To stay up-to-date on LTD’s Community Outreach and Communications Assessment, sign up to receive updates.

For more information on the COCA, email COCA@LTD.org.

View the News Release

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